Oct 7, 2019


My name is Sophie. I'm a sophomore at Fort Lauderdale High School in South Florida, along with my older sister, Sarah. She's a senior here, and we both went here last year as well, as a junior and freshman respectively. She drives us to school every morning, and once she leaves for college I'm going to have to drive myself. I turned 15 in March, but I haven't yet finished getting my driver's permit. Most people in my grade have already gotten their permits, but there are still some stragglers who haven't gotten around to it yet (like me). I think I'll be a good driver, but we'll see how well I do once i start practicing. The freedom of being able to go where I want by myself sounds nice, as well as a lot of responsibility.

I have three siblings; Sarah, my older sister, who is 18 years old; Zeyn, my younger brother who will be 13 in December; and my youngest brother, Zander, who is 9. Sarah plays water polo and swims competitively. Zeyn and Zander both play soccer. I do mixed martial arts, more specifically karate and jiu jitsu. I am a purple belt, and I'm looking forward to advancing to the next rank soon. I also enjoy going to the gym, usually three times a week. Once I have my permit, and then my license, I'll be able to drive to my appointments myself, and save my mom a few trips in the car.

I have four pets so far. At my mom's house, we have a yellow cat named Nala, who we got from a friend's litter and have had for a few years. At my dad's, we have two dogs and one cat. Deacon, a chocolate lab and hound mix, is shyer and less excitable than Rover. Rover looks like a yellow lab, but is actually a pitbull and golden retriever mix. We've had them for at least four years, and they're still puppies. Initially, we were worried when we introduced our cat, Oreo-to the household, but after some time they all got along well. They act like siblings, and we don't need to worry about fighting amongst them.

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