Oct 28, 2019

Trying to Edit the Commercial

Today was our first day for editing our commercial projects. We were going to start editing and putting together our films. I came in and sat down at the computer I dumped my footage on last class. I opened the folder I used. It's named Com, for Commercial. It was all there. Then, our teacher said to transfer our footage to a flash drive or to Google Docs. I wanted to use my flash drive, but I wasn't sure I had it with me in my backpack. Luckily, it was there when I checked. So, I moved all my footage to my flash drive.

Copying my footage to my flash drive was a little bit confusing at first, but I figured it out. First, I plugged my drive into the desktop. Then, I right clicked my Com folder. Then pressed the send to button. The options came up. I selected my flash drive. Then I just waited for the footage to finish uploading to it. After it was completed, I closed the folder. Then I ejected my flash drive. I removed it from the computer, and put it back in my backpack.

Once my footage was copied and my flash drive was back in my bag, I opened Pinnacle Studios so I could start editing. When I tried opening it, though, it wasn't working. I asked some other students if it was working for them. Everyone I asked said it was malfunctioning. We asked one of our teachers. She tried accessing it on multiple computers. It didn't work on any of them. So, we can't access our editing software for now. Since today was supposed to be a day for editing, we were all confused on what we were supposed to do and write about for today's blog. She told us to finish copying our footage, and then blog about what we did today, even though we couldn't start editing yet.

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