Feb 28, 2020


Filming will start this weekend. Today we filled out our Cambridge forms. I had to put my elevator pitch for my film on it. It was two sentences. During class, I worked more on my storyboard. It's basically finished. I just wanted to look over it some more. This way, I can make sure it's clear. This will help when filming. It will make it faster and more efficient, since I will already know what angles and movements to use.

Feb 24, 2020

Pre-Filming: Delayed Filming

My timeline has been postponed for filming. This is due to my being sick. I will now film this weekend instead. I was previously planning on filming this past weekend. I have asked my friend Isabella if she will be able to. She will be available this weekend. Until then, I will put more work into my storyboard and plan. Today, I will look over it and see what I can improve. I can think more about technical details. These include lighting, specific locations, background noise, and outfits. These are important for forming settings and mood in the film.
For today, I will be in class. I will look over my storyboard. I will be looking for anything I could make better or more clear. The outfits are also undecided. I will be thinking about those. The colors and styles will need to be chosen. The clothes will help provide the mood of the film. So do the lighting, noises, and where I plan to shoot. These will all contribute to the film.

Feb 20, 2020

Pre-Filming Blog

I couldn't film this week because I was sick. I had a fever. I also had a bad cough. I think I had the flu. My plan was to film this past weekend. This plan was ruined because I was sick. I was going to have my friend Isabella over to film. It didn't work out. I couldn't go to school, either. I was stuck at home for a week. I missed class as well as filming time. I have been to the doctor and they cleared me for school, though.
This delayed my timeline for the project. I was initially going to have most, if not all, of my filming completed by this week. Now that I'm behind, I will have to film this weekend instead. It's not that bad. Unfortunately I will also have less time to edit. This will give me less time to make sure I like the finished project before peer editing. All in all, it isn't too bad. I will still be able to film, edit, and complete a draft before turning in the opening.

Feb 10, 2020

Planning Blog: Location, Participants, Health/Safety, and Schedule

I finished my schedule and decided on the locations, participants, and safety precautions for my film. I had to do it on a Google Slide, since that's what we were instructed to do. It allows us to embed the file directly in the blog, rather than insert screenshots of powerpoint slides. It also provides an easy way to put together plans and different aspects of my project. Choosing locations was easy, as the whole film will be shot on one location, likely one of my parent's houses. The exact location will be one of two, depending on who is available to film and where they live (so that the commute won't be too inconvenient for them or their parents). My final actors haven't been determined yet, simply because not everyone I'm considering knows if they would be available for shooting. It won't be an issue either way though, since I could just use my mom, sister, or even myself (if absolutely necessary). I will be using one of my little brothers as well, but the part only requires a voiceover of laughter, which shouldn't be too difficult. My health/safety plan is very simple, but thorough, since safety is my top priority in the production of this project.

Feb 6, 2020

Planning Blog: Sound Script

This is my sound script for my final task. It will cover all music, dialogue, diegetic, and non-diegetic sounds that occur in the movie. Each scene is titled by number, in the order in which they will appear. The sound script includes everything that is heard within the two minute opening of my film. The shooting script for the title sequence has already been completed. While the majority of the film will likely remain true to the script, the main character and her relationship to the boy may have to change based on who is available while I'm filming. For example, if my mom isn't able to act in it but the friends who I would ask to help are, then the relationship would change from mother/son to sister/brother, and vice versa.

Planning Blog: Shooting Script

This is my shooting script for my final task. It is the script for my final project, about a woman who goes after her son's killers. It will cover all camera movements, angles, edits, and actions that occur in the movie. Each scene is titled by number, in the order in which they will appear. The shooting script includes everything that happens within the two minute opening of my film. It does not include sounds or dialogue. Next, I will do the sound script for the title sequence. While the majority of the film will likely remain true to the script, the main character and her relationship to the boy may have to change based on who is available while I'm filming. For example, if my mom isn't able to act in it but the friends who I would ask to help are, then the relationship would change from mother/son to sister/brother, and vice versa.