Feb 20, 2020

Pre-Filming Blog

I couldn't film this week because I was sick. I had a fever. I also had a bad cough. I think I had the flu. My plan was to film this past weekend. This plan was ruined because I was sick. I was going to have my friend Isabella over to film. It didn't work out. I couldn't go to school, either. I was stuck at home for a week. I missed class as well as filming time. I have been to the doctor and they cleared me for school, though.
This delayed my timeline for the project. I was initially going to have most, if not all, of my filming completed by this week. Now that I'm behind, I will have to film this weekend instead. It's not that bad. Unfortunately I will also have less time to edit. This will give me less time to make sure I like the finished project before peer editing. All in all, it isn't too bad. I will still be able to film, edit, and complete a draft before turning in the opening.

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