Feb 24, 2020

Pre-Filming: Delayed Filming

My timeline has been postponed for filming. This is due to my being sick. I will now film this weekend instead. I was previously planning on filming this past weekend. I have asked my friend Isabella if she will be able to. She will be available this weekend. Until then, I will put more work into my storyboard and plan. Today, I will look over it and see what I can improve. I can think more about technical details. These include lighting, specific locations, background noise, and outfits. These are important for forming settings and mood in the film.
For today, I will be in class. I will look over my storyboard. I will be looking for anything I could make better or more clear. The outfits are also undecided. I will be thinking about those. The colors and styles will need to be chosen. The clothes will help provide the mood of the film. So do the lighting, noises, and where I plan to shoot. These will all contribute to the film.

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