Nov 20, 2019

Intro To New Project

We finished working on our commercial projects. I emailed mine to my teacher. Now, we're starting a new project. It's a Music Video project. We have to choose a song to use, and form a story and use. I will be filming at TY park, as well as in my house and in one of our parents' cars. These are good locations because I will be able to film even in case of bad weather, and they are all close to our houses. This will be helpful because it'll make it easier to travel back and forth if needed.

For my music video I chose the song Memories, by Maroon 5. The plot will revolve around a subject (played by my friend Jaya), drinking (we will not be using alcohol, just red solo cups filled with water) with a group friends. One spot is empty, and through flashbacks one of her old friends (played by another friend, Isabella) will be introduced. It will be a mix of sadness and missing her old friend, and happiness because she has many fond memories of her.

My songs genre is modern pop. There are many different possibilities in terms of conventions and standards, including bright colors, heavy lighting, lots of make up and fashion accessories, tints and filters to boost colors, photo-shopped artists so they look perfect, many close ups of artists faces, and long shots of dancing/partying scenes. (Conventions of a Pop Music Video, SlideShare)

1.Costumes: The costumes used will just be casual outfits; e.g., shirts, hoodies, and jeans.

2.Lighting: The lighting will all be either natural or from overhead lights, depending on the scene. The scenes around the table will be dimly lit, so as to give a slightly depressed/down mood. The other scenes will be in black and white or a filter like sepia, to give flashback vibes. They will bright and happy in the cheerful ones, and slightly darker in the less optimistic memories.

3.Actors: The actors I will be using are my friends, Jaya and Isabella, for the majority, as the plot centers around them. For some scenes, I may ask my siblings to act as extras if I need them to.

4.Music: Only the song will be playing, the video itself will have no sound.

5.Props: The props we will be using are chairs, a table, a car, homework (papers), pens/pencils, phones, and red solo cups.

6.Setting: At my dining table, and various locations for flashbacks.

Nov 5, 2019

Commercial Editing Blog

Today we planned to start editing our commercials again. Luckily, we actually could this time. Since our editing software on the desktop computers hasn't been working, we had to wait until it had been downloaded on the laptops. They had been finished, and we got to get them today. So, today was our first day of editing our commercial projects. I wasn't sure at first whether I would have enough time to finish or not. Our teacher told us that we need to be done by the end of class on Thursday, which happens to be a PSD. PSD's are very short, so I was nervous over how much time I'd need to finish editing. Fortunately, I finished almost the entire thing in class today, so I'm feeling much more prepared for turning it in.

The first laptop I had didn't work. It said it was loading, but after ten minutes I decided it would be faster to just get a different one. After I had a working computer, it was much easier to turn on and log in. I plugged in my flash drive and made sure it was working. Opening Pinnacle Studios was way more difficult for me than it probably should have been. Every time I tried to click on it to open, it would seem like it was just loading but then nothing would come up. Eventually, I managed to do it right. I could finally start importing my footage. I clicked on Import, then on the name of my flash drive. From there, I just had to upload the file ("Com") that contained all of my footage.

Beginning the actual editing process was frustrating. I kept accidentally editing the footage pieces themselves, rather than what was in the track already. That lead to confusion on my part as to whether it was actually working or not. Once I realized that that was why the footage wasn’t changing as I rewatched it, it was easy to fix. I just deleted the clips on the track that I had meant to edit. Then, I replaced them with the full clips, which were already edited. There was one part that I found a little bit tricky when editing. There is a scene in my commercial where the subject is walking down the hall, and the next shot is of him standing closer to the camera. I wanted to use one piece of audio to go over the two different shots, which at first I didn't know how to do. How I ended up completing it was by editing the first shot so that it ended right before the part in the audio that I wanted over the first shot. Then, I cut the second shot to only be as long as the audio I was putting over it. Finally, I muted the second one put the entirety of the first one into the third track, so that the audio would play from the beginning of one to the end of the other, uninterrupted.

Oct 28, 2019

Trying to Edit the Commercial

Today was our first day for editing our commercial projects. We were going to start editing and putting together our films. I came in and sat down at the computer I dumped my footage on last class. I opened the folder I used. It's named Com, for Commercial. It was all there. Then, our teacher said to transfer our footage to a flash drive or to Google Docs. I wanted to use my flash drive, but I wasn't sure I had it with me in my backpack. Luckily, it was there when I checked. So, I moved all my footage to my flash drive.

Copying my footage to my flash drive was a little bit confusing at first, but I figured it out. First, I plugged my drive into the desktop. Then, I right clicked my Com folder. Then pressed the send to button. The options came up. I selected my flash drive. Then I just waited for the footage to finish uploading to it. After it was completed, I closed the folder. Then I ejected my flash drive. I removed it from the computer, and put it back in my backpack.

Once my footage was copied and my flash drive was back in my bag, I opened Pinnacle Studios so I could start editing. When I tried opening it, though, it wasn't working. I asked some other students if it was working for them. Everyone I asked said it was malfunctioning. We asked one of our teachers. She tried accessing it on multiple computers. It didn't work on any of them. So, we can't access our editing software for now. Since today was supposed to be a day for editing, we were all confused on what we were supposed to do and write about for today's blog. She told us to finish copying our footage, and then blog about what we did today, even though we couldn't start editing yet.

Oct 25, 2019

Commercial Filming Blog

Filming for the first time was nerve-racking. I was scared we wouldn't have enough time to get all of the takes we needed, or all of the takes would turn out badly. In retrospect, my anxiety over it seems a little unnecessary, but it didn't seem like it at the time. I haven't watched the footage yet, so there may still be a problem, but for now I feel somewhat confident. I worked in my own group, but I used two friends from other classes (Amelia and Luc) in my film when they were available. First, I checked out the equipment (the camera, a tripod, and a SIM card). Then, I had to walk to another building, where the two people that were going to be in my commercial had their class. We had already asked their teacher beforehand to make sure it would be alright with her, so that I could prepare in case I needed to find new actors. We had to hurry then, because we had lost ten minutes getting together to begin filming. They were less patient, as they had lunch next and didn't want to miss it.

I had Luc play the exhausted subject, while Amelia was the speaker/narrator character. I played the friend who brings Luc coffee, as I didn't want to have to ask anyone else to help on such short notice. Amelia had the most lines, as her character was almost entirely the only one who spoke. She did a good job, but sometimes spoke too quietly for the camera to pick it up well. Luc was fine, since he mainly just sat and looked exhausted. I don't think I did very well, since I can't act, but I didn't have lines anyway so it's probably fine. I'm still nervous to go over the footage, but I think we shot enough for me to put together a relatively good commercial. We didn’t get as many takes as I would have liked, as Luc and Amelia were in a rush and we only had less than an hour to get everything done. We'll see how well I did when I watch the footage and begin editing.

Dumping the footage wasn't as confusing as I expected. Unfortunately, I didn't have my notes on how to access the SIM card on my computer with me, so I was a bit panicky before I asked a classmate to borrow their's. After that, dumping was quick and easy, and I was finished by the time the bell rang.

Oct 22, 2019

Commercial Storyboard Blog

My storyboard is finished. The commercial will open on a two-shot of the speaker/narrator character, who is standing slightly in the background and off center; and the subject, who is sitting at a table falling asleep. The speaker introduces the character- who does not have a definite name yet- and explains to the audience that he had to stay up late to study for a test that day. It will move to a medium close-up of the front of the subject, who is falling asleep while sitting at the table, and the speaker states that as a result of staying up, he is exhausted. The camera transitions back to its original position, this time with a medium shot of the speaker, who is now standing in the foreground. They then narrate as a friend of the subject's comes into view on the other side of the table, introducing them and continuing narrating as they give the subject a cup of Dunkin' coffee. The camera moves to a medium shot of the subject, still sitting at the table, as he drinks from the cup of coffee. The speaker, who is now in the background and to the right side of the shot, states that a Dunkin' coffee is "the perfect thing to put some pep back in the subject's step and get him ready for his test". The next shot is of the subject walking down the hall with a friend, smiling and looking happy and energized, holding his coffee high enough to be obvious in one hand a paper lower in his other hand. The speaker is still in the background and to the side. They state that because the subject had a Dunkin' coffee to help, he had plenty of energy and was able to make it through the day happy and awake. They also add that it helped the subject ace his chem test, just as the camera moves to a medium close-up of the subject, smiling brightly and holding up his test with a large red A on it. The last shot is of a cup of Dunkin' coffee set on the table from the first scene, and a voicover saying "Dunkin'. For when you need a boost".

Oct 12, 2019

Editing Lesson Blog

Today in class we went over the editing process of our film projects. The lecture included instructions on using our cameras and tripods, as well as accessing the footage on our SD cards and dumping all of our takes on a computer or flash-drive. We also learned how to create a film sequence using clips of raw footage, and then cutting off parts we don't want in the film. We were also taught how to add titles and music to it using different tracks. Our teacher also showed us how to edit things like speed and color of the film. To use the tripod, you first unlock the latches on the legs. Then, you pull out all three legs all the way, then lock the latches again. To attach the camera to the tripod, you pull the lever on the top and flip up the part of the tripod that holds the camera, then flip the lever back to keep it in place. Unscrew the plate on top of the tripod and screw it into the hole in the bottom of the camera, making sure that it's tight enough or else the filing quality will be shaky. You then put the plate, with the camera attached, back on top of the tripod, and it is ready for filming.

To access  the footage on the SD card, you have to check out an SD card reader. Then, you put the card in the reader and plug it into the computer. You open the reader option that appears on the desktop. Opening the folder with the footage seems slightly confusing, but our teacher gave us the exact steps to follow in order to open it, so I don't think I will have any trouble. Overall, I think I might have difficulty getting through the editing process, but I also believe I'll figure it out when I get there and ask for help if I need to.

Oct 10, 2019

Research Blog; Commercial Conventions

We started researching options for commercial projects. For the project, we pick a company or product and create our own original 30 second commercial for it. Our options included Dunkin', Starbucks, Gatorade or Powerade, or any water company. I was considering either a water company or a product from Dunkin' or Starbucks. I ended up settling on one for Dunkin's coffee. I'm going to make one specifically for a Dunkin' latte, and use a friend from another class in the film.

I had to research common aspects found in commercials for similar products, so I researched coffee commercials. I enjoyed looking at commercials from different brands and companies, and comparing them to see what was similar between them. The brands I found the most most compelling, in terms of marketing strategies, included Starbucks, Nescafe, Maxwell House, and Folgers. Some common aspects among them included introducing the product in the early stages of production (coffee beans, natural environment) in order to show naturalness and make consumers feel more inclined to buy from them. They also sometimes show the preparation of the coffee beans for distribution or the people who help get the coffee to customers (factory time, processing, workers who handle the beans).

There are often shots included of satisfied customers drinking coffee, while a voiceover or other speaker go over various benefits of said product. Alternatively, the drinker themself will speak to the audience or another customer, praising the product. This can include comments on taste, presentation, price, size, effectiveness (e.g., "this coffee keeps me awake and full of energy all day at work"), and convenience. Some companies also use ads to advertise specific current deals on certain products, such as "buy one get one half off during the month of October". There are also those that use aesthetic shots of coffee/creamer (splashes of it going through the air in slow motion; a creamer diffusing through black coffee) in order to attract customers through the "artistic" look.

Oct 7, 2019


My name is Sophie. I'm a sophomore at Fort Lauderdale High School in South Florida, along with my older sister, Sarah. She's a senior here, and we both went here last year as well, as a junior and freshman respectively. She drives us to school every morning, and once she leaves for college I'm going to have to drive myself. I turned 15 in March, but I haven't yet finished getting my driver's permit. Most people in my grade have already gotten their permits, but there are still some stragglers who haven't gotten around to it yet (like me). I think I'll be a good driver, but we'll see how well I do once i start practicing. The freedom of being able to go where I want by myself sounds nice, as well as a lot of responsibility.

I have three siblings; Sarah, my older sister, who is 18 years old; Zeyn, my younger brother who will be 13 in December; and my youngest brother, Zander, who is 9. Sarah plays water polo and swims competitively. Zeyn and Zander both play soccer. I do mixed martial arts, more specifically karate and jiu jitsu. I am a purple belt, and I'm looking forward to advancing to the next rank soon. I also enjoy going to the gym, usually three times a week. Once I have my permit, and then my license, I'll be able to drive to my appointments myself, and save my mom a few trips in the car.

I have four pets so far. At my mom's house, we have a yellow cat named Nala, who we got from a friend's litter and have had for a few years. At my dad's, we have two dogs and one cat. Deacon, a chocolate lab and hound mix, is shyer and less excitable than Rover. Rover looks like a yellow lab, but is actually a pitbull and golden retriever mix. We've had them for at least four years, and they're still puppies. Initially, we were worried when we introduced our cat, Oreo-to the household, but after some time they all got along well. They act like siblings, and we don't need to worry about fighting amongst them.